Best Martial Arts Learning Methods

Studying a martial art boosts your overall well being and fitness. After identifying the martial art style that you are comfortable with, it is crucial to dedicate your time and resources into mastering the skills and tactics. Learning martial art requires discipline and a curriculum to teach you the basics. You can learn martial arts by enrolling for training by a martial expert or through learning materials. The advantage of using learning materials is that they are not expensive and you set your time and the pace of incorporating the new tricks learned.

A Review of Best Martial Arts Learning Materials

Online Tutorials and Videos

The internet is a resourceful platform that provides access to tutorials and videos that can help you learn martial arts. The incredible fact about this tutorials and videos is that they are mostly free and not as expensive as hiring an instructor. Moreover, you can download them which enables you to watch and repeat the movement. With this tutorials, you can replay them over and over again until you master the art. Most of the videos are available on YouTube and others can be downloaded from renowned instructors' website, and this means that most of them are of high quality. You will also get to learn from highly skilled professionals whom you might not be able to afford their lessons or they are located in different countries. There are hundreds of martial arts instructional videos on YouTube and Amazon that teach self-defense, katas, kicks, flexibility among other tricks. Most of the tutorials posted online gives you the opportunity to ask questions and to interact with other people on the platform which is a convenient way to obtain motivation and guidance. When choosing which tutorial to use, it is advisable to use a video whose recording is structured in a way that is easy to follow the instructions. It should also cover the essential tactics of the art from every angle. A review of best martial arts learning materials holds that a reliable tutorial should also have a breakdown that highlights the finer points of the art and what the instructor was doing. It should also have a step by step guide that leads to the drill, and this will help you follow and practice the session to reinforce what you have learned.


  • They are convenient especially for people who prefer learning from home.
  • They are affordable, and you get to learn from highly qualified martial artists.
  • Suitable for body fitness and taking control of your limits.
  • You can replay the videos to enhance the learned skills.
  • Some of the online tutorials allow you to ask questions and interact with the instructors and other people on the platform.


Martial arts books are another source of inspiration. There are numerous martial books which cover a wide array of martial art styles, techniques, and katas. The amazing fact about learning martial art through books is that they provide information on existing martial arts and also improves your knowledge of new martial arts techniques and systems. Martial books provide you with a wide selection of martial arts and enable you to choose that which best suits you. These books also prepare you psychologically and are mostly suitable for beginners since they provide additional information on the world of martial arts such as the training methods, required nutrition, use of vitamins and supplements.

CDs and DVDs

CDs and DVDs are a popular way of storing videos and tutorials, and the advantage of these learning
materials is that they are portable and you can store them for reference. Martial arts instruction DVDs
and CDs contain numerous martial arts styles, and you can use them to learn katas, submission
techniques among others.
