If you sell a satisfactory product, your margins will be far greater than if you sell below average, poor, or useless quality. This will improve the chances of selling something to a satisfied customer. It will also improve the chances of the same customer being loyal to your company. Selling below average will reduce your profits through additional volume, fewer customers, inferior quality and a declining market share. When your product is above average, your advertising must appear to be above average. You must promote your product above average. Your customers will tell you that they want to hear about your business, what it does, etc. Your belief in your product must be demonstrated by your marketing actions. In my opinion, "You can't beat you competition without being more than them." If you create value, you will retain and grow customers. If you provide a good value, no one can take it away from you. The ability to do this is a result of at least two things: first, a dedication to quality; second, a high level of commitment to learning about marketing. You must invest in yourself and in your customer relationship in order to compete. You must engage with your customers/clients and correspondingly improve your solution. If you do not see why you are at a competitive advantage, you must increase the level of quality in your products and services.
While the quality of your products may vary from company to company, this does not carry much weight. Your number one product may be one of the lowest priced but packaged to the point at which it does not make a sale. As crazy as this may sound, I've seen many products that only pencil in to the argument "you have to be more than your competitors if you want to be the biggest." The only way to consistently do this is to become better at marketing. You must continually learn from your business experience no matter how solvent your company is or is not.
The truth is that marketing without having some unique product or a standout service or a high quality product will not make you any more money or bring you an advanced value to the marketplace. Your products (and services) have to be good to be ethical. You can use the marketable features of the product to market it and by doing that, your company benefits.
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